Exploring extreme subglacial ecosystems
Deep, cold, remote, buried by kilometres of moving ice - what life can survive?
Life beneath ice sheets
Liquid water exists over most of the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet and about half of of the bed of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, and where there is water - there is usually life. This life must endure the cold, high pressures from the weight of the ice, limited access to nutrients and organic carbon to sustain it and complete darkness. The types of microbes that are adapted to such conditions are often called “extremophiles” - they are suited to survive within challenging conditions. We know that many of them, in the absence of sunlight, can make their own energy (and carbon) via chemical reactions involving rocks. Others live off the carbon produced by these rock-feeding microbes plus any fossil carbon preserved in sediments. Understanding deep, subglacial ecosystems requires novel technologies that enable us to “go there” and recover data and samples. While challenging, their exploration can help reveal the limits to life on Earth, and potentially other icy planets and moons.
Funded projects
Funded by the following grants/funders:
DELVE: DEveLopment and Validation of first generation chemical sensors for icy Ecosystems
NERC-funded ATLANTIS: “AnTarctic subglacial LAke CECs biogeochemistry: CoNtrols on ecosysTem sustainability and nutrIent transformationS”- as part of the UK/Chilean plans to drill into and recover samples from Subglacial Lake CECS, W. Antarctica
NERC-funded BEAMISH “Basal conditions on Rutford Ice Stream” (in collaboration with British Antarctic Survey)
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Antarctic Subglacial Lakes
Hawkings, J.R. M.L. Skidmore, J.L. Wadham, J.C. Priscu, P.L. Morton, J.E. Hatton, C.B. Gardner, T.J. Kohler, M. Stibal, E.A. Bagshaw, A. Steigmeyer, J. Barker, J.E. Dore, W.B. Lyons, M. Tranter, R.G.M. Spencer and the SALSA Science Team. 2020. Enhanced trace element mobilization from Earth’s ice sheets, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(50) 31648-31659.
Siegert, M.J., J. Priscu, I. Alekhina and J.L. Wadham. 2016. Antarctic subglacial lake exploration: first results and future plans, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 374 (2059).
Ross, N. and The Lake Ellsworth Consortium (including J.L. Wadham). 2011. Ellsworth Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica: a review of its history and recent field campaigns, AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, 192, 221-233.
Cockell, C., E. Bagshaw, M. Balme, P. Doran, C.P. McKay, K. Miljkovic, D. Pearce, M.J. Siegert, M. Tranter, M. Voytek, Wadham, J.L. 2011. Subglacial Environments and the Search for Life Beyond the Earth, In Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments, AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, 192, 111-127.
Mowlem, M. and the Lake Ellsworth consortium (including J.L. Wadham). 2011. Probe Technology for the Direct Measurement and Sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake, In Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments, AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, 192, 149-157.
Siegert, M.J. and 19 others, inc. J.L. Wadham. 2007. Exploration of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: a concept paper on the development, organisation and execution of an experiment to explore, measure and sample the environment of a West Antarctic subglacial lake, Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, 6(1-3), 161-179.
Laybourn-Parry, J. and J.L. Wadham. 2014. Antarctic Lakes, Oxford University Press, 215pp.
Wadham, J.L. and Doran, P. 2014. Advancing Clean Technologies for the Exploration of Glacial Aquatic Ecosystems, Annals of Glaciology Special Issue
Antarctic Ice Streams
Wadham, J.L., M. Tranter, M. Skidmore, A.J. Hodson, J. Priscu, W. B. Lyons, M. Sharp, P. Wynn, M. Jackson.. 2010. Biogeochemical weathering under ice: size matters, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Doi:10.1029/2009GB003642.
Greenland Ice Sheet
Hawkings, J., L. Benning, R. Raiswell, B. Kaulich, T. Araki, M. Abyaneh, A. Stockdale, M. Kock-Müller, J.L. Wadham, M. Tranter. 2018. Biolabile ferrous iron bearing nanoparticles in glacial sediments, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 493, 92-101.
Dubnick, A. S. Kazemi, M. Sharp, J.L. Wadham, B. Lanoil, J. Hawkings. 2017. Hydrological controls upon microbially exported microbial assemblages, Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 1049-1061.
Cameron, K., M. Stibal, J. Hawkings, A. Mikkelsen, J. Telling, T. Kohler, J. Zarsky, J.L. Wadham, C. Jacobsen. 2017. Meltwater export of prokaryotic cells from the Greenland Ice Sheet, Environmental Microbiology Reports, 19(2), 524-534.
Telling, J., E.S. Boyd, N. Bone, E.J. Jones, M. Tranter, J.W. Macfarlane, P.G. Martin, J.L. Wadham, G. Lamarche-Gagnon, M.L. Skidmore, T.L. Hamilton, E. Hill, M. Jackson and D.A. Hodgson. 2015. Rock Comminution as a source of hydrogen for subglacial ecosystems, Nature Geoscience, 8, 851-855.
Extreme Engineering
Bagshaw, E.A., A. Beaton, J.L. Wadham, M. Mowlem, J. Hawkings and M. Tranter. 2016. Chemical sensors for in situ data collection in the cryosphere, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 8, 348-357.
Beaton, A., J.L. Wadham, J. Hawkings, E.A. Bagshaw, G. Lamarche-Gagnon, M.C. Mowlem and M. Tranter. 2017. High-resolution in situ measurement of nitrate in runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet, Environmental Science and Technology, 51(21), 12518-12527.
Bagshaw, E.A., J.L. Wadham, M. Tranter, R. Perkins, A. Morgan, C.J. Williamson, A.G. Fountain, S. Fitzsimons, A. Dubnick. 2016. Response of Antarctic Cryoconite Microbial Communities to Light, FEMs Microbiology, 92(6), Doi:10.1093/femsec/fiw076.
Bagshaw, E.A. M. Tranter, J.L. Wadham, A.G. Fountain and S. Fitzsimons. 2015. Processes controlling carbon cycling in Antarctic Glacier surface ecosystems, Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 2(1), Doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1605.